Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Week #8

Arcie’s movement game of tag again reminded me that movement isn’t about necessarily about the correct technique or anything, it’s about improvising and doing what feels best. I’ve always thought of tag as a game where we just chase each other, but Arcie was able to break down the walls of us having to do that. I saw people hopping on one foot, crawling on the ground and just pretty much anything that came to mind. When people were tagged, there didn’t seem to be any thought of what they were going to do. They just did what felt natural to them and it worked. Arcie’s game really allowed to me see that sometimes we think too much about our actions. The best times may actually be when we have to randomly create something on the spot without thinking about it because we don’t stop ourselves from doing anything that we wouldn’t think is normal. I don’t think I would go crawl to play tag, especially at this age. When I was a kid, I may have done that because I didn’t really care, but now it seems I am too concerned about what I would look like if people saw me doing that in a public setting. Along with the movement sessions, we also went to see a dance performance. I was extremely impressed with all the dancers there used the space. They were rolling down hills and using trees. We tend to forget that the space around us can also be used in our movements because we just think movement has to do with ourselves.

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