Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Week #2

 The second lecture was a great experience for me because I was more comfortable with the people around me along with moving differently in general. Celeste seemed to incorporate all these different types of movement, but I noticed that a lot of it was very spontaneous and seemingly very natural. This made me realize that movement is very natural and it’s only becomes forced or unnatural when we over-think the actions. This drew a parallel to another point that was made about the writing that we’ve been taught to do in University versus the free-flowing writing that we’ve been doing in this class. When we write something non-stop without being concerned about the structure or the content of the writing, we tend to write a lot more. The problem is that we’ve been trained to write a specific way in University which is why we tend to critique our writing to the point where the writing is very technical and not natural at all. Finally, we continued with the same group activities that we did from the previous week and the familiarity of myself with some of the other people in the class made moving more relaxing because I recognized my partners, so I was able to do certain movements without feeling weird about it.

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