Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Week #1

The first EDUC 330 class was a very interesting for me because I had no idea what to expect going into the class. I originally took the course because I wanted to try something different and I’m glad I took this class. As an Economics major, I have to work with a lot of math questions on a daily basis and even though I do enjoy that type of learning, I also wanted to explore other courses that would give me an opportunity to learn from a different perspective. As the class started and we started doing warm-ups, I felt a little uncomfortable at first because it was so different from what I’ve been trained to do in my four years at SFU. These activities reminded me more of what I used to do as a child and it was just odd for me to move around in a room full of adults. However, as I saw the rest of class doing the thing, it put me at ease and allowed me to enjoy the activities without any stress of being embarrassed. One thing that I noticed when I was doing the activities is that my athletic background really came out. All of my movements were very intense and high paced which may be partially due to the fact that it sort of reflects the intensity level during my basketball practices in High School. With the activity, I also noticed that movement isn’t just about one individual as we are influenced by everyone around us. When we were told to make a shape within our group, it seemed we all started to copy each other unintentionally. This first class was interesting and I look forward to learning more about movement.

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