Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Week #4

As we began class teaching sessions, I was anxiously waiting to see what the first groups would come up for their dances. I had no expectations going into it because there weren’t a lot of directions on what we should be doing for our teaching sessions. It didn’t seem apparent to me until later on when I realized that this may have been done intentionally by Celeste because she didn’t want to influence us in any way when we were thinking of what we wanted to teach, she wanted our dances to reflect what we wish to explore. With no preconceived notions, we would be able to be in our own space and our own creativity. In the first week, we saw Jillian and Melissa with their math-oriented dance. Once they started teaching their dance, I thought it was the most brilliant idea ever because it incorporated something that they liked and managed to turn it into a movement that could be taught in class. It was so inspiring to see how they put everything together and the most impressive aspect of their dance was that they made it very organized. Each movement that they made had a purpose and had a message whether it was the slightest flinch or the most forceful kick. I picked up on a lot of tips for my teaching session from watching how easy and carelessly they were moving with no second thoughts about anything. They just went for it and taught the dance with no hesitation and eventually did an outstanding job. The way they structured the dance reminded me of my PE classes in elementary school when a group of kids would group together for a presentation and just come up with something that was not only creative, but it also was fun for everyone. It was energetic and the music definitely added something extra to the presentation. The following by Stephanie was also very cool, but from another perspective. Through her different movements, she was able to tell a story which I thought was very creative. No, she didn’t move as much as the previous group did, but each movement she made was very powerful and very detailed. When she was describing each element and moving at the time, I could actually envision these elements just from her words along with the movements. From these two performances and what I picked up from them, I’m able to now create my own movement for next week because they showed me that there are no boundaries when it comes to creativity, it’s just a matter of what I’m feeling inside and what truly inspires me.

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